
Redd Foxx Wiki/Biography

John Elroy Sanford, better known by his stage name Redd Foxx, was an American stand-up comedian and actor. He was born on December 9, 1922, St. Louis, Missouri, United State and died on October 11, 1991 (age 68 years), Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Emergency Room, Los Angeles, California, United States

Real NameJohn Elroy Sanford
Stage NameRedd Foxx
NicknameFoxx was often called “Redd” due to his reddish hair.
Name MeaningThe name John is of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious.” Elroy is of French origin and means “the king.” Sanford is a locational surname of Old English origin.
Date of birthDecember 9, 1922
Death DateOctober 11, 1991
EthnicityAfrican American
Lives inNot Public
Zodiac SignSagittarius

Redd Foxx Height, Weight & Physical Stats/Body Measurements & More

Height5 feet 9 inches (175 cm)
WeightIn Kilogram: 58kg and In pounds: 127.868 lb
Body Measurements34-24-34
Body TypeAverage build
Body HairNot Public
Bra/Bicep SizeNot Public
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorReddish-brown
Facial HairRedd Foxx was known for his mustache.
Shoe Size7 (USA)
TattoosNot Public
PiercingsNot Public

Family Members And Relatives

Fathers NameFred Sanford
Mothers NameMary Hughes
SiblingsRedd Foxx had a brother named Fred Sanford.

Personal Information

Marital StatusMarried
Wife NameEvelyn Killebrew (married from 1948 to 1951) Betty Jean Harris (married from 1956 to 1959) Yun Chi Chung (married from 1962 to 1975) Ka Ho Cho (married from 1976 to 1981)
Children NamesRedd Foxx had three children, including a daughter named Debraca Denise and a son named Nathan.

Hobbies and Favorites

Favorite Male SingersOmer Adam, Idan Raichel, and Ivri Lider
Favorite Female SingersNoa Kirel, Netta Barzilai, and Ninet Tayeb
Favorite ActorsLior Ashkenazi, Lior Raz, and Alon Abutbul
Favorite ActressGal Gadot, Natalie Portman, and Alona Tal
Favorite Male StarsRay Hanania & Ray Illingworth
Favorite Female StarsJoan Rivers & Natasha White
Favorites ColourBlack and Pink
Favorites FoodItalian Cuisine
Dream DestinationNot Public
HobbiesRedd Foxx was known for his stand-up comedy and acting career.

Education And Qualifications

EducationRedd Foxx dropped out of high school

Wealth and Income Source

Net worth (approx.)Not Public
Salary, Income & EarningsRedd Foxx earned income from his comedy performances, acting roles, and various business ventures.

Social Media Accounts

TiktokNot Public
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Third TwitterNot Public
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Onlyfans PaidNot Public
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RedditNot Public
TwitchNot Public
EmailNot Public
Phone NumberNot Public

Popularity and Famous For

Profession/OccupationRedd Foxx was a renowned stand-up comedian and actor.
Famous ForRedd Foxx is famous for his groundbreaking comedy career, including his role in the popular television series “Sanford and Son.” He is considered one of the pioneers of African American comedy and is known for his irreverent humor and memorable catchphrases.
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